Just as it sounds, a gateless system omits or removes gates from a traditional parking garage and uses license plate readers (LPR) or sensor technologies to allow facility access without obstructing the user’s experience, making it as “frictionless” as possible. Users pay for parking via a mobile app or kiosk and input their license plate as the credential, providing a seamless transaction experience. In addition to eliminating the need for entry and exit gate infrastructure, gateless systems decrease entry/exit wait times, reduce internal and external queuing, provide a higher level of customer service, and improve user experience.
Is a gateless system a good fit for you? Ask yourself the following:
- Is your organization private or public? Private owners have less authority to issue tickets to drivers based on their license plate than municipal, state, or government agencies.
- Is your top priority ease of access or revenue collection? A gated exit yields a higher percentage of revenue but reduces accessibility, whereas a gateless exit is free flowing but allows drivers to exit without paying.
- Does your state require front and rear license plates or just rear plates? LPR capture accuracy increases when a vehicle has both front and rear license plates.
- Can your parking facility accommodate a gateless entry/exit? LPR camera placement requires longer entry and exit lanes to allow for proper LPR camera placement. Also, additional technology infrastructure is needed to support the system like LPR cameras, vehicle sensors, and backend network equipment.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to gateless parking systems. If you provide precise answers to these questions, a clearer picture of your gateless technology options may emerge, guiding you to a winning solution.